
21 September 2008

I Made 300 Entrecard Drops Today!

I'm very happy to share with you that I'm working little by little to promote my newest baby. One of my means to promote it in the blogosphere is thru Entrecard.

I know I missed the returning your drops lately. So if you've been dropping here for sometime now, you may check your drops inbox and you'll see my 125x125 card parking right there. ;)

If you're reading this and you're just starting to promote your blog traffic, try Entrecard. The Love Drops really work because:

  • You can visit and read a lot of blogs in a day
  • You can build a relationship by leaving quality comments on their posts
  • You can earn EC credits for each visit that you do on their blogs and;
  • You can also get some more EC credits when they returned your visit
There are a lot more ways to benefit from using Entrecard to promote your blog. I'll discuss some more issues with Entrecard on my future posts.

But I gotta hit the sack for now. If you just read my previous entries, you'll notice that this is my fourth in a row for today. I still have a lot of ideas to share but I also need to report to work tomorrow. Yes, I still have a regular job to attend to so I need to rest now.

As The Online Diva says:

"Time really flies when you're having blogging fun!"

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1 comment:

edelweiza said...

cpag mo, ako ngloloko ec account ko..di ko pa rin alam why. :(